Ticket sales for the Eastern Dream ferry to Japan have begun!!!
Ticket sales for the Eastern Dream ferry to Japan, Sakaiminato port have begun!!!
New route from Vladivostok (via Donghae) to Sakaiminato, Tottori Prefecture, Japan.
The official date of the first voyage to Japan is August 1, 2024!
Departure from Donghae to Sakaiminato - August 2, 2024 (Friday)
All information can be obtained and tickets can be purchased at:
690003, Vladivostok, Nizhneportovaya St., 1, office 128|1 Nizhneportovaya St., Office 128, Vladivostok, 690003
TEL: 8 (800) 201 60 55
WEB: https://ferryvl.com/
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